With a little searching and networking you can find money to help you attend a National Family Conference. Many families have been successful in obtaining funding from the sources below. It takes internet searches, phone calls and persistence. Call and ask about conference funding for families with special needs. If you hit a roadblock, ask if they know of other sources. Express how you would be willing to educate others with the knowledge that you will gain at the conference. Below are places to start and don’t give up with your first phone call.
- Parent to Parent Program
- Family Voices
- The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities – has a great search feature to find all kinds of state and federal resources
- Department of Public Health—Google this for your state. Ask if they have a division for Special Health Care needs.
- The Administration on Development Disabilities—Google this to try to find an office in your region.
- Ask friends, neighbors, family members, local service organizations, and businesses to help sponsor your way. Visit them in person, or sent them a note based on the sample below.
Dear Friend,
My family is affected by ectodermal dysplasias, a rare genetic skin disorder that affects up to 7 in every 10,000 births.
On July 18-21, in Orlando, Florida, the National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias (NFED), a charity dedicated to the support of individuals affected by ectodermal dysplasia is hosting its National Family Conference and Kids’ Camp.
This is a valuable opportunity for my family to meet others affected by ectodermal dysplasias and to hear the latest research and treatment news from medical professionals from all over the country.
I am raising money to attend the conference and I need your help. The conference costs $175 for each adult attending and $125 for each child attending. I also need funds for travel, accommodations, and some meals.
My goal is to raise $_____ sot that my family and I are able to attend this valuable conference.
If you would like more information on the NFED, ectodermal dysplasias or the National Family Conference, please call the NFED office at 618-566-2020 or visit their Web site at nfed.org.
Thank you for your generosity.
you guys always seem to know whhat the people want thank you so much for posting this and I hope all the so cal families that have been asking about conference funding see this and take advantage of it
Thanks so much for the information not just for us but for all the families. There are a lot of organizations willing to help if you just ask. Kiwanas is another great one. You guys always seem to know just what the families need. Keep up all the good work. If it wasnt for you behind the scenes none of the rest of us would have eachother. Blessings to all!