Find out what happened to Jack Kriz when he was 50 years old that finally made him feel whole, and why he always says yes when the NFED asaks for his help.
What I Want for My Grandchildren With Ectodermal Dysplasias
Sandi Hirst is a grandma who is passionately advocating for the three generations in her family who are affected by x-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. She doesn’t want her daughters to have to pay six figures for her grandsons’ dental care. Read this month’s Volunteer Spotlight to find out what she’s doing to help advance the Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act and why.
Dental Student Enjoys Collaborative and Passionate Spirit of NFED Volunteers
This month, we shine the Volunteer Spotlight on Amanda Swanson, a fourth-year dental student. Learn how a long-time NFED volunteer’s meaningful relationship with his dental patients inspired her to get involved with the Foundation and help families affected by ectodermal dysplasias.
Advocacy is Something We Are Meant to Do Together
Morgan Rigsby is the kind of mom who wants to model the behavior she wants her kids to have. That’s why she’s become a passionate advocate for the Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act. In our Volunteer Spotlight, Morgan talks about what volunteering has taught her, how she celebrates the small victories with her son, and why you need to be open to sharing your story.
Our NFED volunteers light the way!
Whenever the NFED has a need, our volunteers step forward and help. We want to let you know that your dedication and inspiration is essential to the work that we do—we simply cannot do it without you. THANK YOU!
Alaskan Advocates Get 100% Support for ELSA from Their Legislators
Two Alaskan families have helped achieve an amazing feat. The Brubakers and Wentzels have every legislator in their state co-sponsoring the Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act (ELSA)! This month, we shine our volunteer spotlight on these Alaskans to celebrate their accomplishments and learn more about how they did it.
Gina Served With a Big Heart
We remember with love and gratitude one of our NFED moms and volunteers, Gina Quintanar.
Trio of Fall Events Raise Spirits and Funds
We salute families in three states for their incredible events benefitting the NFED.