By Seth Ferris I live in Brooklyn, New York. And during any given week, any given day, I come in contact with millions of people, some of whom are not too shy about telling a complete stranger what they think of them. You bump into somebody and get a “Hey! Watch it!” or worse. You…
Dental Treatment Shopping
The most frequent questions, comments and challenges that the NFED staff hear are related to dental treatment, dental treatment access and finding a dentist who can provide the treatment. I don’t think that this has changed much since the foundation was started. We still get lots of calls saying that the dentist won’t provide treatment…
My Smile – 23 Years in the Making
By Jacob Moss On November 3, 2014, I completed my dental implant process. For the first time in my life I had a “permanent” set of teeth. As a 23-year-old man with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, permanent teeth had always been an abstract concept to me. The process was long and, at times, difficult; but now…
Déjà Vu All Over Again
By Mary K. Richter NFED Founder and Executive Director 1981-2010 While we often hope for or look for change or something better, time suggests that much in life doesn’t really change all that much. Take for instance the mom who works hard to teach her children to put away their toys and possessions. Chances are…
Keegan’s Dental Adventure – Part 3
(This story is part three of a three-part story. Read part one and part two.) By Lindsey James People are often surprised to learn that Keegan wears an upper denture, and I’m fairly certain no one has ever noticed that he has no lower teeth. He is able to speak clearly and doesn’t have much…
Keegan’s Denture Adventure – Part 2
(This story is part two of a three-part story. Read part one.) By Lindsey James I have always enjoyed going to the dentist. As a child, my great-aunt worked as an assistant to my dentist. Visits to Dr. Gary meant seeing Aunt Linda… and getting to pick a prize from the beloved treasure chest. I…
Keegan’s Denture Adventure – Part I
By Lindsey James My first year of motherhood was filled with many exciting “firsts”- Keegan’s first smile, the first time he rolled over, first foods, first words, first steps and so on. I embraced every milestone with great enthusiasm and anxiously awaited the next. Despite numerous health and feeding issues due to aspiration (choking on…
I Want to Keep My HED
By Lindsey James I became a mother on April 22, 2008. I had spent nine months preparing myself for the most important responsibility I would ever have. I was a sponge, absorbing all the information about pregnancy and motherhood I possibly could. My pregnancy was pretty uneventful and my labor experience was a dream. Everything…