People often ask, “How many individuals are affected by ectodermal dysplasias?” It’s a challenging question to answer, since they are rare conditions. A team of NFED researchers now has an answer. Read to learn just how prevalent ectodermal dysplasias are and why these numbers are important.
Top 10 Syndromes that Affect NFED Families
Learn which types of ectodermal dysplasia are the most common among NFED families. Update your profile with the type that affects your family. You and your love ones count!
To Know Katherine is To Know Joy
Jodi Watts’ days as a stay-at-home mom with a baby with Goltz syndrome were filled with appointments to attend to Katherine’s many needs. The fiesty little toddler faces many challenges but continues to thrive. Find out what her parents have learned, the life-changing conference they attended, and the dreams they have for Katherine.
Learning More About Papillomas and Goltz Syndrome
Ten-year-old Maximus Sessions just wants the papillomas on his fingers, toes and knees to go away. They feel bumpy, can be itchy and sometimes they break open and bleed. They are at the top of the list of things he doesn’t like about being affected by Goltz syndrome. Read our new article to learn what papillomas are and how to treat them.
Little Girl with Goltz Syndrome is Born A Fighter
Katherine Watts is a two and half year old little girl in Virginia who’s going places. Figuratively and literally. This little lady is in constant motion and is also quite the fighter. Since she was in the womb, she’s had a team of doctors who care for her many complex symptoms caused by Goltz syndrome. Learn about her challenges and what her parents had to learn quickly.
Small Steps, Amazing Climbs
Even the tallest mountains can be scaled with enough small but purposeful steps Forever Forward. But not without decades of careful study, testing, steps forward, steps back, and the love and devotion of parents, families and you! Learn how you can help us with our campaign to advance research.
Tips for Face Coverings and Lines
Many of our communities have opened up to varying degrees during the past few weeks – and right at the time that summer temperatures are climbing. New safety measures for living in this COVID-19 world may bring extra challenges for people affected by ectodermal dysplasias. We have tips and resources to help you.
Talented Gymnast Overcomes Goltz Challenges
Jordan Buerman is an anomaly in the sport of gymnastics. Not only does she have Goltz syndrome, she only has one foot and limited vision! Find out how this gymnast not only competes but at a state level!