Keegan’s Denture Adventure – Part 2

(This story is part two of a three-part story. Read part one.) By Lindsey James I have always enjoyed going to the dentist. As a child, my great-aunt worked as an assistant to my dentist. Visits to Dr. Gary meant seeing Aunt Linda… and getting to pick a prize from the beloved treasure chest. I…

Keegan’s Denture Adventure – Part I

By Lindsey James My first year of motherhood was filled with many exciting “firsts”- Keegan’s first smile, the first time he rolled over, first foods, first words, first steps and so on. I embraced every milestone with great enthusiasm and anxiously awaited the next. Despite numerous health and feeding issues due to aspiration (choking on…

Ectodermal Dysplasias and Relationships

A few weeks ago, I offered to write a post about dating. At the time, I had just written the post about ectodermal dysplasias in the workplace and I was thinking that dating would be another good topic to explore. The truth is, it’s actually kind of hard to determine how much ectodermal dysplasias is to blame…