During this season of giving, let’s think like a child!

In her book Raising Charitable Children, Carol Weisman, internationally recognized philanthropy expert (and full disclosure – a friend of mine), discusses how to instill a sense of giving in children – and then watch them develop into generous, responsible, thoughtful, kind, loving and happy adults. Carol beautifully sums up her approach in one simple line:…

Tips for Face Coverings and Lines

Many of our communities have opened up to varying degrees during the past few weeks – and right at the time that summer temperatures are climbing. New safety measures for living in this COVID-19 world may bring extra challenges for people affected by ectodermal dysplasias. We have tips and resources to help you.

Don’t Forget To Take Care of Yourself

There are many emotions that we are all experiencing throughout these days of uncertainty. It’s highly likely that each of us will travel through the stages of grief. Some days, the stress can feel so heavy. It’s important to recognize and accept that this is OKAY! While our situations and personal experiences may be different, we’re all learning how to accept and cope with the changes in our lives as a result of COVID-19

Using M&Ms to Teach About Ectodermal Dysplasia

The following presentation is a very simple way to introduce the ectodermal dysplasia to your child’s classmates and teachers. We published this article years ago but it’s still a great idea for parents to use in their child’s classroom. Levi is now an adult who has his own family! By Kim Howard My son’s name…