By Jacob Moss This is part 3 of my dental implant story. Part two left off after I finished up my upper jaw bone graft. As previously stated, following the bone graft there was a period of about six months before it could be determined if the graft was successful. During that time I returned to…
A Chance Meeting Changed my Life!
By Frank Farrington, D.D.S., M.S. Affiliated with the Medical College of VCU, Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry, Richmond, VA Why have I stayed involved with the NFED and the Scientific Advisory Council, Patient Care Council, and the Board of Directors for so many years? The answer is very simple. When you are on the faculty of a…
Dental Treatment Shopping
The most frequent questions, comments and challenges that the NFED staff hear are related to dental treatment, dental treatment access and finding a dentist who can provide the treatment. I don’t think that this has changed much since the foundation was started. We still get lots of calls saying that the dentist won’t provide treatment…
My Smile – 23 Years in the Making – Part 2
In case you missed it, my first blog post covered the initial planning stages of my dental implant process. Now friends, this was where the real fun began. My treatment plan included one upper jaw bone graft to build up bone density in my jaw, six upper implants that would eventually connect to a permanent…
What do your Family Conference fees actually pay for?
Basically, all your fees pay for is your food. We solicit sponsors, grants and use general donations to fund room rentals, speakers’ (12-15 unbelievable docs and dentists donate their time each year) and staff travel, scholarship recipients, off site activities, AV rental and childcare costs.The NFED absorbs 75% of the cost of the event. The 2012…
Are you a Repeat Offender?
Charley Richter has attended 27 NFED National Family Conferences and Anil and Sean Vora have both attended 25. How close are you to reaching them? We will recognize our “repeat offenders” during Wednesday’s opening session. If you have attended at least five conferences, be prepared to be recognized!
Four Research Opportunities at the National Family Conference
Families attending the 2012 National Family Conference in Orlando, July 18-21, have the opportunity to volunteer for the four projects listed below. To participate, sign-up on the 2012 national family conference registration form. You will receive your assigned research times when you check-in at registration on Wednesday, July 18th at the conference. Questions? Email Mary…
Meet the Kelsos & Huxmans!
The Kelso and Huxman families met in 2006 at the NFED Family Conference in St. Louis. Both have children affected by EEC syndrome and they found an instant connection with one another. Before that conference had ended, they were finishing each other’s sentences; their children were referring to themselves as “cousins”; and they were making…