No Fingerprints Can Be An Ectodermal Dysplasia Thing

Do you have a hard time gripping a pen? Can swiping on your phone be frustrating? Is getting fingerprinted impossible? You are not alone. Yes, it’s an ectodermal dysplasia thing. Learn more about adermatoglyphia, its challenges and what you can do to overcome them.

I Learned Our Difference Makes Us One of a Kind

Lexie never wanted her friends to know she had ectodermal dysplasia. She desperately wanted to fit in and was willing to do anything to appear more like them. Now in her 20s, she shares how she overcame her shame and has embraced her uniqueness.

My Motto: Never Ever Give Up

Meet Nicole, a determined 14-year-old girl who is using her voice on Capitol Hill to advocate for herself and others. She would like you to join her. Learn why she’s advocating and what you can do to help.

How I Finally Made Peace With My Hair

Tina Moss shares her 61-year journey to finally make peace with her sparse hair. Affected by hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, she explores wearing wigs and discovers more of herself in the process. You can also download our new Sparse and Brittle Hair Guide to get answers, product suggestions, and prevention tips from our dermatologists.

Longing for a Community of People Who Understand

Nicholle was searching for someone who understood what it’s like to always smile with your lips closed so people don’t see your missing teeth. Who know how frustrating it is to visit dentist after dentist trying to find someone who actually wants to treat you. Were there adults out there who know the pressure of trying to find more than $30,000 just so you can have teeth to bite into chicken with? Read her story to learn about her search and how she’s relieved to no longer feel so alone.

Caring for Our HED Baby Down Under

Our story of parenting our son, Ruben, during his first year is one of instinct and intuition, as we didn’t know until 16 months that Ruben’s collection of features amounted to something called hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED). There’s no known ectodermal dysplasia in our families. We’d been asking all the right questions about our fluffy-haired, dry-skinned, hot-bodied babe, but it wasn’t until I mentioned our son’s toothlessness to his older brother’s dentist, that an answer was offered.

Remembering Mary K. Richter With Great Love

Our hearts are heavy. The matriarch of our National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias (NFED) family, Mary K. Richter recently died. We know this has come as a shock for our community. Amidst our profound sadness, join us as we remember this incredible woman.