Top 10 Reasons to go to Family Conference

10. Be inspired or be inspiring! 9.  Have an experience you will never forget, like dancing Gangnam Style on stage with all your friends. 8. Meet the family liaisons and enjoy their opening ceremony antics! 7. Meet the NFED staff in person! 6. Show off your talents during the talent show! 5. Learn new ways to care for…

Together, We Will and Can Make a Difference!

By Julie Claeys When our son, Carver, was diagnosed in 1995 with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) at just four months old, we found the NFED. I remember talking with Beverly from the foundation and her peaceful, calming voice assured me that they were there for us. It wasn’t long before I found myself selling raffle…

Enter Our Photo Contest!

It’s our first Ectodermal Dysplasias Awareness Month Photo Contest!  Read the rules and download your sign today. Be creative and join the fun. It’s a great way to raise awareness.

Something Exciting is Happening at

Receiving more than 6,000 visitors every month, we know that is a critical, go-to resource for NFED families, professionals, researchers, and individuals affected by ectodermal dysplasias around the world. It is often the first place that new families enter the NFED, desperately looking for information and help. We consider it the NFED front door. …

Richter Receives NFED’s Highest Research Award

Our founder, Mary K. Richter, received a standing ovation as she was named the Kenneth S. Brown, M.D. Research Award recipient for her monumental impact on ectodermal dysplasias research.  Timothy Fete, M.D., M.P.H., from the Scientific Advisory Council (SAC), presented the award to Mary Kaye at the Saturday celebration dinner at the Family Conference in…