Special Awareness Month Price for Family Conference. Save $15 on Adult Registrations. Register TODAY!

Meet the Kelso’s & Huxman’s! Who are they???

The Kelso and Huxman families met in 2006 at the NFED Family Conference in St. Louis. Both have children affected by EEC Syndrome and they found an instant connection with one another. Before that conference had ended, they were finishing each other’s sentences; their children were referring to themselves as “cousins”; and they were making…

Important: HED participants: Informed Consent Document & Medical Questionnaire

Attention HED Families participating in Research! There will be a meeting to inform participants about this research and answer any questions you may have on Thursday 21 July, 2011 from 5:30PM-6:30PM in Ballroom West! Please read the following carefully before you come to the National Family Conference if you are participating in the Edimer Pharmaceuticals,…

Childcare @ National Family Conference 2011: Important: Consent & Release Form

Corporate Kids Events Shortly, you will receive in the mail your National Family Conference Confirmation letter with additional information sheets to be filled out and e-mailed to Malinda@nfed.org or faxed to our office 618-566-4718 or bring the form filled out with you to the Conference! Below is one of these forms that need to be…